On this page, I'll share with you some of my history and interests!
These things are all very important to me...how do you feel about them?
I'm sure your list is different but that is what makes life so wonderful - the VARIETY of it all!
Kellie Anne and Korrie Jean, our two daughters when they were about 3 and 2. My dad took these photos and
I will forever love that I've now painted both of our girls from photos that my dad took. Couldn't be better!
"I take pleasure in my transformations. I look quiet... but few know how many women there are in me." Anais Nin
This quote by Anais Nin really explains me completely. I feel like many people, all inside this body that I don’t exactly seem to fit. I’ve had to play many roles in life, some that were pleasant, rewarding, educational and some that were difficult, dull or unsavory. Who am I? Well, I think I must be all of these people, capable of being who I need to be at any given moment, strong, adaptable, open, clever, resourceful and creative.
I consider myself a Renaissance woman with my hand in many disciplines and a love for all artistic ways and means. Because of that, my work is all over the map in style, medium and intent. I look at that as a strength, not a weakness!
I not only like it, I need change I have found, in all parts of my life but in my art work in particular. It keeps me interested, challenged and excited!.
My art reflects my life. My work can be beautiful, ordinary, disturbing, provocative, calming, and thought provoking. I use a fusion of media to push conventional artistic boundaries which present the viewer with my unique perspectives on design and often extreme color. I do art because it is my therapy, my meditation, my reason for being. I cannot live without it and yet I cannot do it every day as a job. I paint when I’m in the mood, whichever mood needs to be expressed from whichever person I am that day. Welcome to my world!
So the challenge is to stay engaged with your art work...
For a long time I tried to do what the experts said, have a cohesive style, paint cohesive subject matter, become recognizable and then be famous. That didn't work!
I love so many things, why can't I try them all?
Why can't I do them all?
That leads me directly to my love of learning!
Why can't I learn it all?
author unknown
But I must admit, color is my main addiction! I often use an entire rainbow of colors in just one piece.
I never liked art right through high school. I 'discovered' it in my early 20's and have never stopped creating since. Photography is my latest love, but I've been a painter for over 50 years and have created well over 1600 paintings.
I started painting because my younger, only sister suggested that I take a class in oil painting. I did one night-school class and was hooked! I then taught myself for 7 years by getting a book out of the library and copying some painting that I saw. I knew nothing about painting or famous artists but I was determined to try to paint what I saw.
At age 32. I started college full time, I even went Junior year abroad to Florence and Venice Italy. Thank goodness for a very supportive husband at home with the kids!
Seemed like I loved school so much at that point, that I continued on to get my Master's Degree in Fine Art. I think I could be a perpetual student.
Now I not only continue to learn, I teach. I have been teaching painting for many years, working with kids as well as older folk, and anyone in between, but at this point, I only teach small groups of adults.
That is my joy at the moment.
Personally I am a mother of 2 wonderful girls, grandmother of 4 amazing kids, soon to be great grandmother of a baby boy, and still happily married to the same minister for 56 years! I love my family more than anything.
My mom was always artistic and used her home and life as her canvas. She was also full of wanderlust. At the drop of a hat we would be whisked off to some amazing place to glory in its wonders. Luckily my dad lived to please my mom and he'd drive from Rochester, many hours just to see something like Faneuil Hall in Boston and then drive us all home again, sometimes the very same day!
My dad worked all his life at Kodak and learned about cameras and film there. When he retired, he became a wedding and nature photographer, but he was always a fantastic gardener and grew up on a farm!
My photography took a very different route than my dad's or 3 brother's work. I do a lot of manipulating in the computer, post picture taking; they were/are all purists, getting the shot perfect the first time. I like to play in the computer and create something not totally real looking!
I asked my dad one time why he loved to take photographs. His answer was a three page note that started and ended like this:
"I have always felt that too little time is spent in appreciation of the beauty that surrounds us all...we all come and go and not much is left to see of what has been."
I took that statement to heart.
All of my 4 siblings and I have our dad's great love of nature.
I garden to be able to paint with flowers all over my yard.
I take photos to capture that moment in time.
Nature is my place to go for true comfort, inspiration and joy. Nature is where I go to find my God.
Painting is my solace, meditation, therapy, vacation, distraction, love and need.
However, I must admit that even though I start with nature or real things in my paintings, I don't always end up there. Actually I almost never end up there completely! I'm not a photo-realistic painter. I love to be able to create something different, put a little twist on reality, in a painterly way.
I consider myself an Abstracted Realist!
Yes, I have always wanted to paint my dreams, as I know some artists do, but
I don't dream amazing things.
I think that is why I paint reality. My life is my subject. But I do prefer to look at the beautiful side of reality. I just like to embellish it a bit sometimes. Paintings are my daydreams!
I dream about being a better artist, more proficient at my craft and more creative.
I dream about my kids and grandkids living a joyful life.
I have 3 grandsons, shown above at the playground when they were small, Ayden, Ashtyn and Ayvre, Arianna's brothers. Since I had 2 daughters, Kellie and Korrie, it was surely an adjustment having 3 boys come into the family even after 2 men were already added!
We love everyone so very much, it's almost impossible to put something like that into words.
I dream that this earth will be able to heal itself from our indiscretions.
I dream that someday humankind can live in
peace and plenty.
Jodie Traugott holds a BA/Summa Cum Laude in Studio Art/Art History from Elmira College 1984, and a Master of Fine Arts degree with a painting concentration from the Rochester Institute of Technology’s Fine Arts College 1986, where she also served as special assistant to the Dean, coordinating exhibition space.
During her college career which began in 1980 as an adult full-time student, she was the first off-campus student to spend her junior-year-abroad studying art and art history in Venice and Florence, Italy. She then was the first art student to create a 100 piece, one-woman art show as an honors project in her senior year.
In addition to other jobs, she has held executive positions at 4 non-profit organizations, the YWCA, a Boys and Girls Club, the Arnot Art Museum and the Artists League of the Sandhills, while continually working as an active artist who has been painting, exhibiting and selling her work for over 50 years.
I will be happy to send you a copy of my complete bio if you are interested. Just drop me an email at jmartkt@yahoo.com
Ohterwise, I'd like to say thank you, in case you have actually
read all the way down to this point, on this very wordy page!
Peace Be With You
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